Why we sleep! To sleep or not to sleep
Scientists have discovered a revolutionary breakthrough it makes you live longer, it enhances your memory, makes you more creative, it makes you look more attractive, It keeps you slim and lowers food craving.
It also protects you from cancer, dementia, it wards of colds and the flu and it lowers your risk of heart attacks and stroke not to mention diabetes. You’ll even feel happier less depressed and less anxious.
And if this breakthrough was a new drug, many of you today would be sceptical and disbelieving. Those who are convinced would pay huge sums of money for a small dose.
But of course, the breakthrough is not describing a drug it is describing a full night’s sleep!
Thousands of scientific reports to date have supported the benefits of sleep, yet unfortunately we have been failed by the lack of public education, most of us don’t realise the remarkable benefits associated with sleep.
Top tips for getting better sleep:
1. Stick to a sleep schedule. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every single day. As humans we have a natural body clock, after 1-2 weeks of a regular sleeping pattern you will wake up naturally, alert and focused for the day ahead without an alarm.
2. Exercise. Exercise Is great but try to avoid physically activity1-2hrs before bed. Exercise stimulates your central nervous system, making it harder for your brain to prepare for sleep.
3. Allow time for you to unwind.That includes your brain. E.g listening to music, running a bath, all helps your body to relax.
4. Encourage a dark, gadget free bedroom.Phones provide incredible amounts of stimuli to your brain every second. This coupled with blue like stimulates your nervous system. Making drifting to sleep, and achieving a deep sleep difficult.
5. If you feel anxious. Lying awake or your mind is whirling, get up and do a relaxing activity such as reading. Lying there worrying about not falling asleep makes it harder to drop off.
All in all, it is important to reclaim your right to a full nights sleep, without embarrassment or the having the stigma of laziness.
If you have tried all the top tips above and you still wake up for long periods or you still can’t drop of because of anxiety act AS SOON AS you can. Don’t be the patient that leaves all your problems to the last minute. We understand how sleep deprivation will make you feel like you’re fighting a losing battle, SO TAKE ACTION NOW!
As a gift to you we are offering a 15minute free get some sleep consultation.
As always, thanks for reading.
Kate Yeoman.