Manipulation - what is it and how does it work?

Today we're talking about manipulation.

how does manipulation work

You may have gone to a physio or a chiropractor for neck pain, back pain, sciatica or a whole other myriad of reasons. And they may have put you into a funny position. Then, they've moved you at a rapid rate, moving you really quickly into another position.

And then you might hear a popping sound.

This popping sound is called a cavitation and this is where oxygen actually leaves the joint or the disc especially if they're manipulating your spine.

This form of treatment is a really common form of treatment in the physio and chiropractor world and it's used every single day, maybe once a week, twice a week they get you in for these types of manipulations.

Generally, afterwards you feel really relaxed, almost like you've been to a spa.

What actually causes this relaxation?

It’s the rapid action. That rapid movement that actually flips a switch in the brain. The brain suddenly recognises it as ‘it's dangerous, this is damaged. Why is the body moving so rapidly?’ So your brain looks to what it can actually do to shut things down to make you weak.

So if you were to have a manipulation with a chiropractor or a physio, then do your workout or go for a run, you're actually going to be at an increased risk of injury. Because we don't know how long you'll be weak for because your brain shuts your nervous system down as it recognises the rapid movement as a threat.

What do you get out of it?

So we often ask patients that go and see chiropractors, why are you going to see them? What do you get out of it?

They often say to us that they’ve just been told that it's really good for them, and it makes them feel good. Their feelings of relaxation tend to last for 10-12 hours. And unfortunately, we have heard some horror stories where they've had their neck and upper spine manipulated and it's actually made the pain worse. Because, just like any other trauma any physical trauma it shuts your nervous system down or makes you brace up and makes you compensate more.

Get to the root cause

Manipulation can be great if you want temporary pain relief and relaxation. But have you addressed why you’re in pain?

We would recommend that if you are in pain and you are struggling with pain every single day, seek something that actually gets the root cause of your problem rather than just covering up your pain.

Here at Sheffield Sports Medicine, we are firm believers in getting to the root of your problem to not only get you out of pain quickly but for good too.

If you would like to know more about how our therapists do this then give us a call on 01143 211852 and we’d love to chat with you!