Injection Therapy For Chronic Pain 

Are you in unbearable pain? Or perhaps your pain keeps coming back time and time again and you have no idea why? Chronic pain can be relentless and unpredictable, we want to help you get out of it.

You may have experienced being bounced from doctor to doctor and tried treatment after treatment but still have no relief. When you're in so much pain, it can be difficult to get an accurate diagnosis, let alone find a treatment that actually works.

Injection Therapy for your chronic pain might be the answer. Injection therapy is a safe and effective way to reduce your pain so our experts can get to the root of the problem.

Here at Sheffield Sports Medicine, we use injection therapy to treat musculoskeletal and sports injuries.

old man being healthy

Chronic Pain Treatment


Some joints and soft tissues fail to repair themselves so can continue to irritate you, causing you pain. Injection therapy can be an effective first step in chronic pain treatment as it successfully reduces yours pain, allowing us to do a full assessment to get to the bottom of the problem. When we the treat the cause of the problem, future injections should not be necessary and your body will be more robust and more resistant to injury.


Our experts here at Sheffield Sports Medicine use diagnostic Ultrasound technology so we can see exactly where the medicine is going. We mainly inject with steroids and local anaesthetic to help reduce inflammation and pain. If you have osteoarthritis, Ostenil is injected to improve regeneration, stiffness and mobility. We often treat elite athletes with a Traumeel injection. It is a fantastic natural, homeopathic remedy and the best anti-inflammatory agent for ligaments, tendons and muscle strains - and it has no side effects.