Shockwave Therapy
Have you pain in your Achilles, knee, shoulder or elbow pain for over three months? If so, you may benefit from Shockwave Therapy. Shockwave Therapy is a clinically proven and highly effective treatment for chronic pain, including chronic soft tissue injuries and bone conditions. It is generally used in many disciplines such as sports medicine, orthopaedics, physiotherapy, urology and veterinary medicine. It can deliver fast pain relief and restore mobility to your painful area.
Shockwave Therapy is highly advantageous as it is a non-surgical, non-invasive and extremely safe intervention that can be used for recurring chronic injuries such as:
Tennis Elbow
Plantar Fasciitis
Rotator Cuff
Achilles and Patellar Tendinopathies
Bony Heel Spurs
Calcific Tendinopathies
Neck Osteoarthritis, and many more
You may want to consider Shockwave Therapy if your first line of treatments - rest, ice, compression, elevation, therapeutic exercises or orthotics - haven't been successful and you do not want to go down the more invasive, surgical route.
We find this treatment particularly helpful for amateur and professional athletes as they do not have to go through the higher risk associated with surgery or the prolonged recovery times. Shockwave Therapy is helpful for athletes who have or are experiencing:
Pain and swelling
Sprains or strains
Connective tissue injuries
Muscle and tendon issues
Overuse injuries
Persistent pain
When you have any soft tissue injury, it's important to have a thorough diagnosis and assessment before any treatment is administered. Here at Sheffield Sports Medicine, we are a recognised as the Centre of Excellence for teaching Shockwave Therapy for practitioners from around the world. What makes us different is that before we even consider Shockwave Therapy, one of our experts will assess the area using Diagnostic Ultrasound to determine whether Shockwave Therapy is appropriate for your soft tissue injury.
This gives you 2 major benefits:
You will know whether the treatment is needed and/or if it will be helpful
If there is a pathology that needs treating, we can precisely administer shockwave therapy for improved effectiveness and accelerated healing
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
There have been countless research studies demonstrating the effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT). ESWT is an acoustic wave carrying high energy to your painful area. This energy restarts the healing process so that scar tissue in the area can be eliminated and normal tissue can regrow. The high levels of energy carried through Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy enables your bones, tendons and other soft tissues to regenerate and repair.
At Sheffield Sports Medicine no expense is spared when it comes to serving our patients. We use the top of the range chattanooga Intelect RPW Shockwave Machine. Using this state of the art equipment, we can help with:
Releasing trigger points
Chronic inflammation reversal
Forming new blood vessels
Stimulating collagen production
Dispersing of the pain mediator "substance P"
The dissolution of calcified fibroblast
How it works IN PRACTICE
Shockwave therapy is a very simple, fast and effective treatment.
Our experts will use a diagnostic ultrasound scanner to assess the area that needs treating
The clinician will apply gel to this area. This gel is used to make sure the acoustic waves from the machine are transferred efficiently and smoothly to your problem area
The Shockwave applicator is gently pushed into your area of pain and the therapist will press the start button
Will The Treatment Hurt?
Depending on how much pain you are in to start with, you might feel some discomfort during the treatment. If it becomes too much, the intensity of the treatment can be adjusted by our clinicians. As soon as the treatment is complete, it is likely you will start to feel the benefits. After 2-4 hours after the treatment, you may feel some soreness in the area but this is nothing to worry about.
How Long Will it last?
For a single area, the treatment will last for approximately 10 minutes.
How many treatments will I need?
You will more than likely experience some relief after one treatment! The total number of treatments you need will vary depending on the condition you are presenting with and how your tissues respond to the treatment. The effect of Shockwave Therapy is accumulative so you may need 3-5 treatments.
Get in touch with one of our experts by clicking the button if you'd like to eradicate your symptoms!